Tuesday, August 30, 2016

New School Year!

Though Champs goes to Eastminster Day School year round, we do get one week off before the new year starts so we packed it full of fun activities along with some fun days just at home, before starting the new school year.  At EDS they make a big deal of going to the "big kids hall" and this is exactly what Champs did this year! 

He started on August 15th in the 3's.  He is in Ms Cindy's class this year and Miss Morgan is the assistant.  The year is off to a good start.  The first week was great filled with the excitement of the new hall, new teachers, new backpack and lunchbox - new everything.  This last through about Thursday and then the NEW anxiety set in and he was a little more hesitant about it all on Friday and continued through about middle of last week.  He's since turned the corner and is excited about school again, so let's hope that stays the case!

Sweet baby Jack started at EDS too! :)  He is in the Nursery 2 class and is adjusting very well!  The class is filled with the sweetest little babies and his teachers, Ms Anabel, Ms Carla and Ms Beth are so good to them!

Pics from first couple weeks of school!


And here is us celebrating Champs' Birthday with his class on the 2nd day of school with donuts (his favorite) and fruit!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

3rd Birthday Party

My friend Ann Mac and I decided to have a joint birthday party for our August babies - Townsend and Champs - who were born exactly one week apart, and are best buds who have pretty much the same friends!  We decided we'd do a firetruck themed party and it was great fun to plan and have it with a friend.  Made it more fun and cut the costs in half - a win-win. 

Champs loves firetrucks and loves to visit the fire station to sit in the big truck.  This is something we do fairly often and have even developed a friendship with our favorite fireman, Fireman Davey as we call him.  I made it my mission to get Davey to show up at the party with the big "ladda" truck as Champs calls it!

We had the party on the Sunday before Champs' birthday at one of the parks in town.  It was a fabulous time for all, especially the birthday boys!  Champs was so into everything for the first time and made it all the more fun. 

Here are a TON of pics of his 3rd birthday party!  Oh and did I mention that not one, but TWO, firetrucks came!