Monday, June 30, 2014

4th of July in PI....a look back!

We leave tomorrow for Pawleys Island with my family.  It's always a great week to be down there.  Yes, it's hot as all get out, but it's also packed with happy families, watermelon, porch time, long summer nights, PI 4th of July Parade, long beach days, boat rides, yummy meals and lots of great time with our family!  I'm excited for Champs to experience his first 4th of July in Pawleys, spots all over his body and all.

Thought I'd look back at some 4th's over the years!  Last year I was 5 weeks from having Champs, so that's fun to look back at now!

2009 4th of July - Barrett always in charge of the cart!
2009 4th of July

2009 4th of July
2009 4th of July
2009 4th of July
2009 4th of July - little did I know we'd get engaged a month later!
2009 4th of July
2009 4th of July
2009 4th of July
2009 4th of July - Barrett's infamous float down the creek with his broken tube.
2009 4th of July
2010 4th of July - just after the wedding!
2010 4th of July - newlyweds!
2010 4th of July - just after the wedding!
2010 4th of July - just after the wedding!
2010 - This was a tough year b/c we lost Barrett's uncle on the 4th of July this year. 

2011 4th of July!
2011 4th of July!
2011 4th of July - First 4th with Ash!
2011 4th of July - First 4th with Ash!
2011 4th of July!
2011 4th of July - First 4th with Ash!
2013 4th of July - 5 weeks til Baby Champs is born!
2013 4th of July - 5 weeks til Baby Champs is born!
2013 4th of July - 5 weeks til Baby Champs is born!
2013 4th of July - 5 weeks til Baby Champs is born!
2013 4th of July!
2013 4th of July!

2013 4th of July!

2013 4th of July - 5 weeks til Baby Champs is born!
2013 4th of July - 5 weeks til Baby Champs is born! This was a joke!
2013 4th of July - 5 weeks til Baby Champs is born!
2013 4th of July!
2013 4th of July!
2013 4th of July - 5 weeks til Baby Champs is born!

 Looking forward to making new memories this week!!

Spotty but happy!

Today was a much better day!  And the up side of Champs being sick was that I was able to miss work and stay home with him all day.  He was much, much more comfortable than yesterday and already starting to act more like himself.  He even took the longest nap of his entire 10 1/2 months life....3 hours and 10 minutes! All that being said, the spots/blisters actually looked worse today than they did yesterday!

Here is my love bug having some fun today with Mama and Daddy, despite looking not his best while suffering through Hand, Foot and Mouth Virus!!

And my personal favorite!!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

The good, the bad and the ugly

It's hard for me to write about the bad and ugly on the blog, as it's not as fun to talk about as all the good that comes with having a little one.  There is so much JOY associated with having a baby, but there are surely some challenging times with having an infant and soon to be toddler!  We all share some of the same struggles in the first year: getting babies to sleep at night and nap well during the day, getting them adjusted to new schedules, new foods and new skills.  And then we have some that are different for our own babies and reach out to find others who may have shared similiar experiences.

Champs failed one of his newborn screening tests FOUR times before ever getting the green light that he was in the clear for that condition.  I could barely breathe as we took him to the hospital to have the test taken for the 4th time.   

We spent the better part of months 3 to 4 trying to figure out why he was screaming in pain day after day once I brought in some formula after going back to work.  After many nights of watching TV in the wee hours of the morning b/c Champs couldn't sleep (vividly remember watching Carrie Underwood in Sound of Music, which was horrible compared to the original in my book), alternating who was holding him upright and bouncing him, as this was the only way he was comfortable, many many trips to the doctor, TONS of dirty diapers a day, we finally realized he had a milk protein allergy and couldn't have regular dairy formula.  Nutramigen it was!  It then took a good 2-3 weeks for everything else to get out of his system and we got our happy baby back just in time for his Baptism day at 4 months old!

Then during month 7 Champs had to have an outpatient surgery with a pediatric urologist, which was quite challenging and tough on all of us.  He did fabulous with it though and was such a little trooper!

This week has been one of the "ugly's" as well.  Let me just say Hand, Foot and Mouth disease is no fun!  Starts with fever, which has lasted several days, and then last night brought on all the blisters.  They say they are on their hands, feet and mouth - but Champs' are also all over his arms and legs.  It is the saddest thing.  I can't see them, but I think they are also inside his mouth, which is making him extra uncomfortable and not able to sleep.

Needless to say, it has been a long weekend!  I'm so ready for my poor, sweet baby to feel better!!!

In case any of you Mamas or future Mamas have not seen it before, this is what we're dealing with.  It breaks my heart to know he's in so much pain.  I wish I could take it away.  I know we'll always have the good, bad and ugly to deal with, but goodness it's hard when they're so little!  Please let the good days continue to be FAR AHEAD of the bad ones!

Blisters starting to show up around his mouth.
Looking a lot worse after lunch.
Looking a lot worse after lunch.
Looking a lot worse after lunch.
So bad this afternoon :(

Sweet bug is still smiling in the tub!

60 and fabulous!

These past couple of weeks have been some very special ones, as we celebrated the 60th birthday of my Mama!!  My Aunt Ne and Uncle Crues hosted a SURPRISE party a couple of weeks ago at their house.  I will say, I think it's the only surprise party I've ever been to where the guest of honor was TRULY surprised.  My favorite comment after the surprise was her saying, "I would have washed my hair!!"  It was so much fun to celebrate her birthday with all her best friends and family!  Mama is loved by all and it was a treat to start off the bday celebrations this way!!

Last week, I took a day off of work and Mama and I went to Charleston for the day to celebrate her bday.  We started with lunch at Cru Cafe, did a little shopping and ended the day with a yummy mojito on the Rooftop Bar at Charleston Grille!  It was a great quick getaway.  Mama and I have had so much fun shopping days over the years, so it was so fun to have one after a very long hiatus of me having a baby and not having much time for shopping! :)

I feel so blessed and lucky to call her my Mama!!  She truly is the best.  I sure hope I can look, feel and act the way she does at 60!  She makes it look very very good! Keep smiling, laughing and living life to the fullest, Mama!  I look up to you more than anyone in this world!  Thank you for teaching me how to be a wife, mother and friend!  xoxoxo