Sunday, November 30, 2014

The most wonderful time of the year!

It's here - the Christmas season officially started today.  Thanksgiving is over, it's the first Sunday of Advent, tomorrow is December - the Christmas holidays are here!  I have SO much to do before Christmas Day but am so excited for all the fun activities we have planned for Champs and even a few fun holiday parties for Barrett and me.  Tis the season!  So excited!!

Before church this morning.
I love this face.
Lunch after church.  "Macaroni please!"
We ran into the Christenberry's at lunch so sat together!
Champs and Olivia!

This afternoon our friend Scott came by with one of his twins, Charlie. They live in Houston, but were in Columbia for Thanksgiving weekend with his family (wife from Columbia).  It was a treat to see them.  Charlie is 3 months older than Champs so they had fun playing together.

And we got our Christmas trees this afternoon!  We haven't done any more than purchase them, but we'll get them decorated this week.  And I say "them" because we got our regular tree and then also a small table size tree that we started last year and called it Champs' tree.  My mom did it for us last year with lots of sweet white animal ornaments on it.  Hopefully I can get a few more to add to it this year!

Here's wishing everyone a peaceful, magical and very special Christmas season!

The streak is over!

Clemson FINALLY beat the Gamecocks after 5 long years of losing.  Barrett and I were starting to wonder if we had something to do with it since we hadn't won since before we got ENGAGED!  We will be celebrating our FIFTH anniversary next year.  Thank goodness we can stay married and all is well in the world (of college football) again....CLEMSON WON 35-17!

So my dad made a promise to my mom and all her friends that if Clemson won, he would wear these Tiger tights that Marie had worn to a game a few weeks ago.  He held up his end of the promise.  Whoa!

The roar!

We should have known good things were coming when I got this video from Nanny Pat, who was keeping Champs at our house in Columbia while we were at the game.

Champs has officially learned the Tiger Roar and we called it our good luck charm!!

Solid Orange Friday

Friday we were still in Bishopville b/c I had a baby shower to attend.  Barrett stayed with Champs at my parents and enjoyed playing outside there while I was gone.  Until now, I have never been a fan of the Clemson orange overalls.  But on a toddler with a white turtleneck....yes!  Love them!!


Last year at Thanksgiving, Champs was 3 months old and we were just starting to realize that something was definitely wrong with his tummy as he was starting to be uncomfortable during the day and then up all during the nights screaming in pain. I remember feeling so helpless and scared not knowing what was going on.  I vividly remember being up pretty much the whole night on Thanksgiving in my parents bonus room b/c I didn't want Champs' crying to wake up everyone else in the house.  We later found out he had a milk protein allergy and needed special formula and by Christmas all was well.  And side note he outgrew this allergy as babies typically do and now drinks 2% milk like a champ, pun intended.

Fast forward to THIS Thanksgiving and boy am I ever thankful.  Our sweet, healthy, funny little Champs is the light of our life and I truly feel so grateful we are blessed as being his parents!  I am also thankful for the wonderful family Barrett and I are blessed with and the joy and love that all of them bring to us and to Champs. 

I am thankful for so many things, but the top of the list are definitely a God that loves us unconditionally, the best family we could ever ask for, friends who are with us through thick and thin and for the sweetest little boy in the whole wide world! :)

We switch back and forth on whose family we spend Thanksgiving with and this year was with my parents.  It was my Mom's year to host so everyone came to her house on Thanksgiving mid morning.  It was the first time in a while that all 7 grandchildren and their significant others could be there!  I think all together it was 25 people, counting the 5 great grandchildren!  So much fun.  I think it was definitely a prime example of "beautiful chaos" though!

My mom's house was just beautiful!  Mama's house always looks amazing but I think Fall and Thanksgiving are her favorite to decorate for.  I just love seeing what she does! She had a special table for the little children and it was so sweet.  They all really loved it!

I am still very sad that I didn't do better with group pictures on Thanksgiving.  We didn't get a single picture of the 3 of us, much less big family pictures.  We MUST do better at Christmas!

We got into town on Wed night so Champs was checking out the children's table, and Peachy's phone.
Getting sleepy....
Champs loved laying on the sheep skin when he got sleepy!
Book with Uncle Will before going to sleep.
Beautiful Thanksgiving morning!
Walking to the pond with Peachy.

Love this little turkey.
Bollin and Julia are here!

Showing Bollin his shoe.

Brian and Daddy

Reading with Great Grandmama Bell!

The girls checking out their table.
Champs was pretty much exhausted all day after not a great night's sleep so was not super into the pics.
After an emergency Wheels on the Bus session, he's doing okay now.
Love these precious children!  Champs, Bollin, Julia, Maggie and Annie!
Enjoying their feast!