Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Merry Christmas (Part 2)

Champs on Christmas morning was something I never want to forget.  Barrett and I went in together when he started calling for us and said good morning. (Thank the Lord he's been on a great sleeping roll and it was about 7:15 when he woke up.  Very lucky for Che and Poppy :)  We asked him if he knew what today was and he said "Jesus' birthday!" We said yes and asked if he knew what else.  He said his usual "tell me" and we reminded him that Santa may have come to see him and that it was Christmas Day.  He quickly reminded us that he had seen some lights in the sky the night before that might have been Santa and the reindeer.  Poppy and Barrett showed the lights to him when they were outside on Christmas Eve and he was mesmerized!!

Barrett brought him down the stairs and I was ready with my phone videoing.  Here is him first seeing that Santa had come and brought his Gator Truck!!  I got the biggest kick out of him immediately thinking he wanted to go find Townsend!

Here are some more pics with Santa stuff.

First time riding!!

After getting his Santa gifts and opening a few more from Che & Poppy, we headed to Florence for Christmas Day at KK and Boo's house!  Champs was so excited to go there and he got more great presents there.  Lucky little boy!!  I always wish I had more more pics of Champs with all his family members, but it's so hard to arrange everyone to get together for pictures while in the moment.  He had a wonderful time at KK's house, but I sadly don't have any pictures of him with them or with my parents!  UGH!  Must do better!!

After a good nap at Sandra's house we headed back to Bishopville for our annual Christmas night at my grandparents house.  Let's just say Champs and his cousin Julia had the best time on Christmas night.  Check out all the cuteness of them together!

All of the Bell Great Grands who were at Christmas this year!  Sadly, Drane and Anne and their girls couldn't come this year.

It is such a fun tradition to get together with all of my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and siblings every year at my Grandparents.  They were so hard (with a lot of help from my mom and Uncle Crues too!!) to have us all every year!  I would like to note that my granddaddy had us vote this year as if we were voting in the Republican primary.  It was fun and interesting to see that Donald Trump was the Republican nominee according to our poll!  We'll see what happens.....!

After Grandmama and Granddaddy Bell's we went back to my parents house and opened presents with them and Will & Ashley (after getting Champs to sleep!).

The highlight was when my mom opened up her SURPRISE tickets to Adele in Madison Square Garden in New York next September.  We all tried to get tickets for them on the day they went on sale and she thought we were unsuccessful but Will in fact had scored 2!!

The second best was Will & Ashley giving them their wedding album book.  Let's just say Will was the winner in the gifts this year ;)  Good thing I am giving them a new grandchild in January!! :)

What a VERY MERRY Christmas it was!!!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Merry Christmas! (Part 1)

We had the best Christmas yet!!  Champs really "got it" this year and it made it so exciting.  He understood that Christmas is both Jesus' birthday and the day that Santa comes....maybe not why they go together, but a lot of talk of both Jesus and Santa nonetheless!

Champs and I headed to Bishopville for the annual Christmas caroling on Tuesday night.  I didn't take any pictures, but do have this one little video clip.  Champs really enjoyed it.  He loved when we sang Rudolph and Jingle Bells and we even added Go Tell It On the Mountain just for him! :)

We setup Champs in a big boy bed at Che and Poppy's house for the first time and he sure loved that bed.  I don't blame him - look how cozy this looks!

We made a gingerbread house on Christmas Eve morning.  Champs was really into it!

Christmas Eve night we went to the church service at my hometown church!  We thought Champs might could sit through it, but he kept talking really loudly about all the things the minister was saying (angels, Jesus, etc) and then started singing The Wheels on the Bus real loudly so we took him to the nursery and brought him back in to light his candle for Silent Night which he loved.  Here are some pics from before we went to church!

After church we had my grandparents over for Christmas Eve dinner!  It was also their 66th Anniversary!!

We had fun with the clappers at dinner.  Loved seeing my grandparents with their crowns on!

After dinner we had so much fun putting out Champs' Santa.  I should mention huge props to Barrett for putting together the Gator truck the entire time Champs was napping on Christmas Eve!!

Christmas Part 2 coming soon!