Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The 2's

It makes me beam with pride when I think of all Champs has learned in Mrs. Pack's class this year.  He has grown so, so much - that part makes me a little sad - but I'm so proud of him.  He was a little unsure about his new class at the start of the year and would try to stand at the door after snack about 10:30am to wait for me.  Clearly this wasn't a good plan since I wasn't coming anytime close to 10am!  Boy has he come a long way.  He loves his class, his teachers, his friends and his school.  He feels so safe and happy there.  He has learned so incredibly much this year it's hard to even begin to give examples.  But just to say a few he can say the entire Pledge of Allegiance, numerous blessings, ABC's, knows all his letter, colors, numbers (counting), numerous songs, shapes, seasons, and more and more and more.  It has been a great year!  Of course though the official school year has come to a close, Champs still goes all summer - as does his whole class - so it's more fun ahead.  They do a lot of fun stuff in the summer though with water days, starts attending Chapel on Wednesdays and getting to play on the "big kids" playground - which is where he'll be starting in August!

Here's a look at his first day of school last August and his last day of school in May!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Jack Update - MAY!

We have been rocking and rolling around here.  Barrett and I have both been slammed at work these last couple of weeks, while trying to keep all afloat with our sweet little boys!!  As much as I loved easing back into work with Jack only going to some church drop-in nurseries the first 6 weeks or so after I went back and then being with me while I worked the rest of the time, I was ready and excited for our summer nanny to start, so he can have some consistency and one-on-one love every day!  We are now in our second week with her and she is fabulous!  So happy to have her with us. Jack already seems to just adore her!

Jack is starting to show his little personality so much more now.  He laughs, smiles and coos all the time!  He is grabbing for his toys on his playmat and trying to roll over.  He has the sweetest demeanor and just melts my heart.  He loves looking at himself in the mirror and I can't say I blame him! He is out of his swaddle when sleeping and now in this hilarious sleep suit that I like to call the Marshmallow Man! He does seem to really like it though and is sleeping pretty well in it.

During the night is still an "adventure."  All I keep saying is one day I will sleep again!  I have been transitioning Jack to a hypoallergenic formula as my breastfeeding days have come to an end.  Without meaning to, I stopped at the exact same time as I did with Champs.  I had planned to go longer this time, but my supply had gotten crazy low and I was hitting a wall with my dairy free diet.  So for better or for worse, we are now 100% formula - just shy of 4 months old.  With this being said, it takes some adjusting for his little tummy so he's been a little fussy at times this week.  I think he should be fine by the weekend!

3 other exciting things from this week are Jack is loving the Baby Bjorn facing forward - he loves looking around and being apart of everything!  He is also loving strolling like a big boy in the Single Bob stroller and swinging for the first time!

2 swinging videos.....he loves it! I love the way he's looking at Champs in the one from our house!

From other randoms from this month....!

Jack you are such a joy!!!  What did we ever do without you??  His smiles just melt me!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day as a Mama of two was wonderful!  We were in Bishopville because we went to a wedding of a close family friend the night before.  Barrett and the boys gave me a great gift (a new summer clutch) and sweet cards!  My wonderful Mama - who is the best Mom in the whole world  - hosted us and her parents/my grandparents for a great lunch - even though she was feeling terrible.  We found out Monday morning she actually has a touch of pneumonia - so I can't believe she pulled it all off while feeling so bad!

Being a Mama is the best thing I have ever done.  There is no other "job" like it and I try to remember to laugh and relish in these little people I have the privilege of raising.  Time goes by so fast and I know they will only be little for such a short about of time.  So though some days can be quite exhausting, the moments I get to share with my boys make it all worth it.  They are just amazing and I'm so glad they are mine!  I love nothing more than watching them (of course mostly Champs right now since Jack is still such a baby) grow and learn and turn into amazing little people!

Our other half of family, Barrett's parents, were spending the weekend with Chase (Barrett's brother) in Atlanta so we didn't get to celebrate with them but we did at least get to see them briefly on their way back through from ATL headed to Florence!  I also hit the jackpot in the Mother-in-Law department!  Sandra is the best and I love that she always makes me feel like I'm doing a good job and trusts my instincts as their Mama. 

Thank you to both my Mama and my Mother-in-law for all the love you show us!  You are the BEST!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Mommy Weekend

Barrett was out of town the last weekend April so it was just the boys and me all weekend!  It was a great weekend getting lots of snuggles, but of course had it's challenges not having much help.  Luckily Marjorie came over one night and we went to Bishopville for the day on Sunday, so I did have some help and adult interaction!!

We had a fun dinner at Tazza on the Thursday night before Barrett left.  Dinner out with Champs isn't too easy these days, but he did awesome on this night and it was so enjoyable!!

Champs and I being silly with Champs' Hungry Caterpillar hat.

Mickey pancakes!

This is a bird, Jack!

Restocking at Cooper's Nursery - how long can I keep these alive we'll see!

Strawberry Pickin'

It's such a treat heading to Cottle Strawberry Farm every year in early May to pick strawberries right out of the field.  They really are so much better that way!  Champs got pretty into it last year, but definitely loved it this year!!  We met the Boyer girls there this year and they had a great time doing this adventure together!

I definitely had a - WHOA - I'm a mother of 2 and it's hard moment while there as I had to give Jack his bottle in the middle of the field and just as I had started Champs announced he had to poopy which meant running back to the front to rush him to the portajohn!  Thank goodness Joan was there and could take over on the bottle! Good times!!