Monday, March 17, 2014

7 Months!

Champs turned 7 Months old yesterday and boy are we having fun!  I think the past month has definitely been my favorite so far.  He is such a funny and sweet baby!  Barrett and I are constantly laughing at his cute personality that is really starting to show!
In the past month, he has really mastered sitting up well and loves to sit and play with his toys.  So far he doesn't seem to have much interest in crawling which is just fine with me!
He is such a happy baby and just laughs and laughs all the time (well okay, not ALL the time ;)
He loves to knock over blocks once I stack them up.  He love to put anything and everything in his mouth.  His new favorite thing that he does ALL THE TIME is to wave.  I don't think he understands what it means yet, but just has learned how to do it so does it while he's playing, eating, taking a bath, name it.....he's waving !
7 months old
Weight: I'm guessing b/c we don't go to the doctor this month but I'm guessing 19.5 pounds.
LOVES: All the same as last month: babbling, cooing, jumping in his jumper, playing with his blocks and other toys, being startled, strolling, laughing at Daddy and Mama, eating his hand, bath-time and riding in the car.  New things: waving, riding in his wagon, making a bbbbbbbb sound with his mouth and grabbing stuff from everywhere.  He can reach way further than you would think to get things considering he can't yet crawl.
EATS: 3 meals a day.  About to start on some small sized "real" foods.  Still taking 4 bottles but not quite as much in them. 
SLEEP: At least 2 naps a day and is sleeping through the night, though we have been dealing with what seems like nightmares around 10/11pm.  Hope this stops soon - it's very sad!
NEW SKILLS: Pretty much just the waving!

We had a busy and fun weekend with lots of activities for Champs!  Details and pics coming soon! 

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