I think back to the days leading up til my scheduled induction with Jack. I had such a calm and excitement about the labor/delivery ahead, as I'm sure all Mamas do after you've done it once before, but my heart hurt with with worry for my first born. Would he be okay? Would he be sad with all the attention not being on him. I remember just relishing every moment with him that last week before I was to have Jack.
I was so happy the morning we were going to the hospital that Champs woke up really early (no surprise there) and he and mom my were downstairs watching TV when we came down to head to the hospital. I remember hugging him so tight with a tear in my eye knowing when I saw him next, I'd be holding his baby brother.
My labor/delivery was so nice with Jack - I was so comfortable all day and then it was finally go time. I was just so, so thankful and relieved when you finally made your appearance at 6:35pm. I remember just holding on to your slimy little self and feeling such thankfulness, while simultaneously thinking, this baby feels huge for a newborn! I was right, when they weighed him in he was 8 pounds, 10 oz and just over 21 inches. I make some big baby boys. I felt so at ease the whole time I was in the hospital with him. I had done this before and was just so happy he was here!
And then that moment - holding both of my babies together for the first time. About more than my heart could handle!
Then we got to go home and the real fun began! Whew!! This year has brought SO MANY cries, whines, laughs, giggles, potty training (a week after Jack came home Champs decided he was ready!), middle of the night crying (for MONTHS and MONTHS!!!), car seat buckling, feeding, hand holding, carrying two at once, baby bjorn-ing, lifting both into car, out of car, nursing, dairy allergy traumas, Miss Evers, starting solids, getting over allergies, starting school, two in school, double drop off, double pick up, crawling, standing, walking, sharing, not sharing, ma-mas, da-das, so MUCH eating from one, so LITTLE eating from the other, traveling with 2, beach with 2, Clemson with 2....life with 2. The BEST, FASTEST, HARDEST, MOST AMAZING year Barrett and I have had! Champs and Jack - you are our hearts - and we've come a long way in this past year!!
I thought it would be fun to look back through the first year with Champs and Jack - these sweet brothers - and watch how they've grown!
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