Another thing he has gotten really into is directional talking I guess I'll call it. Loves to talk about "this way", "that way", "that one", "this one", "these", "those"! He will tell us where we wants to go (that way) and which shoes he wants to wear (these ones). Oh and his favorite is probably "right dere" (right there)! He loves to spot buses, cars, diggers, trucks, etc as we're driving down the road. Starting to put colors with them..."white bus!!!"...."pink bus" (yes, there are these bright pink buses that drive around Columbia all the time - not sure what they are).
He's gotten into coloring, stickers, and building with leggos this past month. He's actually gotten better at independent play in general, which is nice when I'm trying to get ready in the morning, pack lunches, etc! He has been learning shapes at school, so loves to talk about circles and triangles - doesn't really get the square shape yet.
I will say this is the HARDEST age so far when it comes to eating. As one who has always had a large and wide appetite, his pickiness is about to do me in!! I just pray we hit a big growth spurt soon that is filled with a taste for some different things like maybe lots of fruits and veggies!!!
Another fun thing he's gotten into these past couple of months is saying his prayers at night. He really likes to do it. I say a prayer first (Now I lay me down to sleep.......) and then I ask him who he wants to pray for that night. It is hilarious as you never know who he'll say! For some reason when we started this a couple of months ago, he prayed for Grandmama and Granddaddy first (my grandparents). Well since then, he says them first EVERY single night, followed by any number of people to follow. If he sees you in a given day, there's a good chance he might pray for you that night.
As he is nearing two, I know we need to work on giving up the paci (pa-ya) and his total obsession with not one, but two loveys. You will see Raffi (giraffe lovey) and especially Monk (monkey lovey) in the background/edge of many, many pics of Champs. He has pretty much been everywhere we have been since Champs turned one. I usually always pull out the paci before taking pics if he has it and I try to leave it in the car when we're going to the park/playdates/etc. Well on the morning I took these pictures, he was just diagnosed with another double ear infection and let's just say he was NOT giving up paya, Raffi or Monk. Figure I'll want to see these pics with him and his little friends one of these days when they are a distant memory. (Please tell me they won't be going to middle school with him!)
Here is my sweet, smart, funny, curious, strong-willed (read: stubborn), precious 20 month old on the morning of his class pictures at school! I love you more than you will ever know!!!