Thursday, May 29, 2014

9 Months Old!

Champs turned 9 months old on May 16th!  We were actually in Chicago on this day, so I took the pics when we got home.

This has been a very BUSY month for Champs.  He decided he was ready to move.  Once he decided he was ready, he got the hang of it pretty quickly!  Now he doesn't have much interest in his toys, as he can crawl and open cabinets, push doors, play with vents, etc etc etc  I teased my Mom that she was in for a whole new ballgame when she got back from vacation b/c it would have been 3 weeks since she kept Champs for a full day.  She didn't believe me until she saw him this week.  Busy is an understatement!

With that being said, he is the sweetest little monkey and I just love watching him grow and learn to do new things! His laugh and smile melt my heart - it's the best sound in the world.  He is starting to lay his head on my shoulder some and I could just cry.  He loves his loveys like no other - it's a good thing we have about 17 for him to choose from and can have one in every spot of the house.

It's been a great month and looking forward to seeing what's in store for this month!

Weight: 20lbs 7oz
Height: 31in
LOVES: Looking for something/exploring, Talking, standing and holding on to a table or anything at his height, riding in his wagon and car, strolling,
New things: Pulling up and crawling!  It was also this past month that we find Champs now sitting up in his crib where for the first 8.5 months if he was laying down, he couldn't sit up.  It's cute to see him in there sitting, except when it's the middle of the night and he needs to be sleeping! :)
EATS: 3 meals a day now consisting of mostly table food and sometimes a squeeze pouch.  He is doing great with his sippy cup and drinking his 2 middle bottles in sippy now. 
SLEEP: At least 2 naps a day and is sleeping through the night!
TEETH: Still just has the 2 teeth on bottom, but one of the top teeth is coming in!

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