Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Nov beach weekend!

2 weeks after Champs was playing on the beach in his underwear, we were bundled up in jackets and blankets at the beach!   It was the first ever trip to the beach with just our family of 4!  My parents were in Clemson for the game and said we could head to Pawleys.  So much fun!!

COLD morning walk!

Exploring around the island while Mama attempted to get a Christmas card picture!

Fun at Brookgreen Gardens! (and still trying for that perfect Christmas card picture!)  Boys are so hard to photograph!!

New puzzles we got at Brookgreen.  Champs LOVES puzzles.

Eating dinner at The Fish House in Litchfield

Donuts and muffins at the Pawleys Bakery!

Playing on the porch

My godchild's baptism!

I was so honored my best friend since college and all of living in Columbia, Kelly, asked me to be one of the two godmothers to her second little boy, Wade.  Wade is just a few months younger than Jack, and will certainly be one of his best buddies! The baptism was the first Sunday in November on a beautiful crisp day.  The service was beautiful at Trinity Episcapal church and the lunch after was at Forest Lake.  Champs and Jack looked adorable in their cordoroy sailor suits - my absolute favorite!!  Such a fun and special day for this beautiful baby boy as he was marked as Christ own forever!

I love when we got home I looked over and after Champs had taken his own shoes off, he was taking Jack's off for him.  Sweet brother!

Halloween Walk!

Like I said, by the time actual Halloween arrived we were over it  :)  I am only kidding b/c by the time actual Halloween arrived, poor Champs had a little bug.  I didn't quite realize it until later in the day, so the pics here are from his Halloween walk at school.  The parents dress up and stand around the big block  of roads around the school handing out candy.  Each class travels together, walking to each parent for candy.  I was so excited to dress up like Izzy from Jake and the Neverland Pirates for my little pirate, Jake.  Made me so sad to see him b/c I could tell he just wasn't himself. 

We went to the party that afternoon, but after truly 5 minutes there I realized Champs was sick so we went home.  Good thing was, he didn't mind one bit.  He just wanted to be on the sofa relaxing - tell tale sign my buddy was under the weather.  He was back to himself by the next day.  At least we had lots of fun Halloween activities earlier in the week. 

This picture shows Champs' whole sweet class and his teachers: Miss Morgan and Ms. Cindy!

Champs and Townsend - Jake & Jake :)

One picture we got of my little Skully and me at the party before we left!

And can we say HOORAY that I am now caught up on the blog through October!! :)

Beach weekend

I took the boys to the beach with my parents the last weekend in Oct while Barrett went to Tallahassee with some guy friends for the Clemson/FSU game.  We had the best time!!  It was beautiful weekend - I just wish I had looked at the weather a little more before packing!  I had long corduroy and coats and should have packed bathing suits!  As you can see, Champs ended up playing on the beach in his undies one day - oops!!  In addition to fun on the beach, we carved a pumpkin, watched football, had a great lunch at Bistro 217 (where Champs took Sammy in with us and proceeded to have a solid 30 min nap on him at the table after eating!) and Champs swung in a hammock for the first time.  It was such a wonderful time at the beach and the TIGERS WON against FSU!!!!