We are figuring out new systems and norms balancing our time and tasks with the 2 boys. It's constantly changing, but Barrett and I are definitely working more on a man-on-man position most of the time. We do love all snuggling on the sofa and watching Mickey together though, and Champs loves these times when we're all together. Champs LOVES to nuggle as he calls it. He loves to "get cozy" with all his favorites - Sammy, Raffi, circle blanket and his people!!
Champs is doing GREAT with Jack. I mean really really sweet to him. He loves to kiss his head, check on him, give him a paci, watch me change his diaper, say why he's probably crying..."Mommy, maybe it's b/c he wants to play tractors with us..." and just generally loves when he's with us. So far, he's not showing much jealousy toward Jack at all. He's still being a bit more testy with us than normal, but honestly I think part of it is his age and would be happening regardless. And this past week has been SO much better than the week before on this, so I feel like we're in a good place right now!
So what have these boys been up to this past week....
A playdate with some cute babies (and mostly time for their Mamas to chat!).... Jack, Hamp Mubarak and Margaret Mimms!
At 11 days old, Champs held (more snuggled up with) Jack for the first time and it melted this Mama heart of mine!
Champs made huge strides in the world of potty training last week. I had planned to wait until April or May to do potty training, but he was really pushing it himself, so I knew I had to take advantage. We have been doing what might be called the cop-out way, but he's been in pullups since last weekend. When the accidents are almost none, I'm going to let him pick out some underwear and we'll switch to that. He's doing awesome though!! He's honestly not having many accidents now, and when he does, it's just been tee-tee ones ;) Here he is running around in his pull up.
Lots more sweet, snoozing baby Jack pics! Why does it never get old taking pics of your baby sleeping?!
A few of big brother Champs too!
First time with both boys in the car. We picked Champs up from school last Thursday! |
We had a great Valentines weekend. I just love seeing my boys together and its starting to happen more and more!!
Champs was a lucky boy and received many Valentines in the mail and he LOVED them all. There was one though that was the clear favorite. Watch the video of him opening the card from my dad. He hit the nail on the head sending a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse valentine that plays the actual theme song for the show. Champs was mesmerized and still plays with it everyday!
On Valentines Day, I took Champs to the Valentines Dance at our church. He was SO EXCITED for our "date"! He was so proud and kept telling me to come to the dance floor to dance with him. I'd go out there and he'd spin around in circles haha. Here's a pic of us before the dance and a video of him "dancing"! I love our church and the wonderful things they do for the children.
Had to share this picture of my Grandmama holding Jack yesterday. She loves holding babies!
What a great week! Hoping for another great week with Champs continuing to make progress on potty training and Baby Jack hopefully getting some longer stretches between feedings!