Thursday, December 1, 2016


Thankful doesn't even begin to describe this Thanksgiving.  Our 2 precious, sweet, funny boys - how did we get so lucky?!?!  They are our greatest blessings and we were surely thanking God for them this Thanksgiving (and every day)!

We spent Thanksgiving in Bishopville with my family this year.  We went to my aunt and uncle's for our meal.  Aunt Ne did a fabulous job making us all feel welcomed and loved!  Food and setting were wonderful.  It was such a beautiful day - perfect for eating outside.  Toys galore for all the children and even Christmas ornaments at each spot for the children!  Another added bonus of the day is I got to meet our newest little cousin, baby Rawlins!  Catherine and Blake welcomed him on Nov 3! 

It was a perfect day!  I'll give a few superlatives:

Best Eater: Baby Jack, hands down.  Double fisted 3 plates
Best Energy: Almost 90 year old Granddaddy Bell who played chase with my 3 year old
MOST Amazing: Catherine, who was there, dressed and happy with her 18mo and 3 WEEK old!
Hostess with Mostess - AUNT Ne!  Thank you and Uncle Crues so much for having us.  It's so great to get together with family!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Nov beach weekend!

2 weeks after Champs was playing on the beach in his underwear, we were bundled up in jackets and blankets at the beach!   It was the first ever trip to the beach with just our family of 4!  My parents were in Clemson for the game and said we could head to Pawleys.  So much fun!!

COLD morning walk!

Exploring around the island while Mama attempted to get a Christmas card picture!

Fun at Brookgreen Gardens! (and still trying for that perfect Christmas card picture!)  Boys are so hard to photograph!!

New puzzles we got at Brookgreen.  Champs LOVES puzzles.

Eating dinner at The Fish House in Litchfield

Donuts and muffins at the Pawleys Bakery!

Playing on the porch